Sunday, December 27, 2009

SCEC Xmas Celebration

Last night, we celebrated Christmas with our SCEC members at the RC center.
It was a night filled with fun and laughter. The members enjoyed the ambience, food, wines and the programs organised for them.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

RC Christmas Function

Last week , on the 20th Dec, we decided to held an early Christmas celebration at Parc Oasis. Here I, personally, want to thank Andrew Yap and Lim Taik Leong, for their assistance and support, in obtaining the place for us.
I invited not only the RC members, but their spouse and children, whom had been supporting my RC members during their tenure. We have new residents, new citizens and SCEC and Parc Oasis members joining us.

Besides, the games ,organised by Soh, there were Santa Claus poising with the children and the rest.

We will be posting the pictures soon

Yuhua Mass Sing Along Countdown 2010

This Year End event- YUHUA Mass Sing Along Countdown 2010 will be held in Yuhua CC Multipurpose Hall and Void Deck.
It starts from 7.30pm till 12.30 am and you need to pay only $2.

So please look out for more pictures after the event.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Hi, I'm BACK.
Firstly, I must apologised to all whom read this blog. I had being bogged down with a lots of works, deadlines and overseas posting that took up most of my negligence to this blog.

To bring you up to date, i will load pictures from now on, to tell you of what have been happening for the past 6 months.


Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Last Sunday, 17th May, we had a Yuhua CC Open House.

It allows different Yuhua Grassroots Organisation (GRO) to showcase activities in their vincinity. There will be stalls open for sampling, cooking demo from Yuhua new residents, which capped of with an extravaganza of songs and dances from all participating groups.
So, our Wushu team and the TKD group from STF gave a rousing performance on stage.
WE ARE PROUD OF YOU. Will put up some pictures soon.

Down the line , the Yuhua Day 2009, which will be on the 14th June 09, there are free tickets available for all Yuhua residents. You may collect the tickets and idemity forms form the RCs

Closer to zone 4, our manpower resources will be stretch over the GRL events and thus we will have to push back our events to early June.

We are now task to distribute NTUC flyers monthly , which contains the discounted vouchers. We find it tough, as we do not have the common keys to the 2nd generation letter boxes. Nevertheless, we need to carry out the jobs.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Block 221A Block Party on the 26th Apr 2009

It's finally over.
We carried out our 1st major project and it was a success.

Prior to the event, we were worried that we can only run a small block party, due to our shoestring budget and with other factors.
Thankfully, our members brainstormed to find ways and ideas to spruce the programme,yet cost saving. Kudos to them.

Our party started with a storm. I meant a real storm where there lightning, thunders and rains pelting our area, just before the event. And surprisingly, it stops just before the event begins.
It a sign of good things are here.

We passed the food to growing audience, where they were also entertained by a group from Gen Net Music Point, doing a anti-littering skit (NEA). It draw laughter from the crowds with a mixture of dialects.
After that, the Magician, Daniel and his son, Calvin, performed a variety of magic tricks and ballon scupturing skills. (The kids loves it).

We had a rowdy, but enjoyable time, when we carried out Bingo. We drew laughter and tears during the 3 rounds of Bingo. Audience were very excited, especially when they waited for their last numbers to call.

Lastly, we conducted the lucky draw, where the winners were happy,as they got more than what they pay for.

We can see that everybody enjoy the party and the committee were equally happy as things turned out well.

So , keep an lookout for our next events.

Sunday, April 12, 2009


Had a few things to mention.

Just found out from Mr Ong, SCEC Chairman, that the closing date for survey is on 20th Apr. Need to arrange another survey with the members to cover other blocks.

I'm so embarrass that I miss, noticing the mistake in the block party ticket. It written 2007,instead of 2009. Aiyah. Anyway, Aaron reminded me to mention this in the next meeting.

Asian Civilisation Musuem (ACM) and Tour to Peranankan Museum (TPM)

I was invited to visit the above musuems this afternoon and I was enchanted as if I was transcend back in time. The ACM consists of 10 permanent exhibits, one showroom and one special exhibition area. Our guide, Joyce, introduced us to many cultures of multi-ethic Singapore also traces the cultural roots of the modern Singaporeans through galleries of South East Asia,China,West Asia (Islamic) and South Asia. I got to see the treasures and interesting history of the Kangxi Emperor.

Thereafter, we visited the TPM, which is at Armenian Street. It an 3 storey-old school belonging to Tao Nan School, was converted to an museum. In this musuem , you can see an fantastic collection of Peranankan material, which showcases stunning jewellery,delicate porcelain,like kamcheng, intricate beadworks and many more. Do you know that the Peranankan marriage lasts for 13 days !!! I'll be broke, man.

Now, here comes the good news. The organisors told us that the cost per pax is only $2.50, if we can obtain 40 persons or above.
Or we can apply for a season pass for 1 year, with unlimited visits and persons, for only $200.00. Wow!! (Sound like a saleman for the museum)

Anyway, Time to knock off. Need to see some of you, tomorrow, to sell tickets for the block party. Adios amigos.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Wellness Center Survey

There was a proposal to build a Health Screening Center in Yuhua. This center will provide free health screening for residents. Residents will get to enjoy free HBP test, urine test, etc. Prior to this, we need to garner 30% interest from the residents of Yuhua, before the Ministry of Health agrees to think about it.
So the tireless committee members ploughed through Blocks 221A,226 and 227 for the last 2 weeks and we achieved more than 30% of interest from the 3 blocks. Although close to 100 units of the 3 blocks had agreed, we are still far from out target of 330 units. So we continue to carry out survey on the other blocks till target is meet.
here I must place a big thank you to those members whom help out in the 3 blocks and I hope to see more members assisting this good cause. Cheers.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I attended a meeting tonight and a few interesting items to take note of.

1. The Lift Upgrading Program for Blk 220 and Blk 230 will commence work on the 2nd quarter 2009 and to complete by end of 2010.
2. 3 most common breeding sites in Yuhua were found in the closed carpark drains,ornamental containers and toilet bowl/cistern.
3. There will be 3-month pilot project called YES which stands for Yuhua Essentials Saving campaign, in collaboration with NTUC Fairprice, to help our residents to lower their cost of living. It will be rolled out probably next month.
4. Our Loving Heart Multi Service Center will be rolling out some family-centered talks and workshops in these coming months. Details will be disseminated to you ,once I obtained.
5. The WDA has a "Job Alert System" showing calendar of events(job fair) and programmes in the website.

So look out for it.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

As our blog is still in the "baby" stage, there are not much things in there yet. Give us more time.

Friday, February 6, 2009

About Us

The Residents' Committee (RC) in public housing estate promote neighbourliness, racial harmony and community cohesiveness among the residents within the zone. Run by volunteers for residents, the RC also work closely with other grassroots organisations like the CCC, CCMC,SCEC and selected government agencies to improve the physical environment and safety of the local precinct.


Blk223A, Jurong East Str. 21 #01-841 Singapore 601223
Tel : 65674585
Opening Hours :
Every Tuesday from 8.00pm to 09.30pm
(Closed on Public Holiday)