Had a few things to mention.
Just found out from Mr Ong, SCEC Chairman, that the closing date for survey is on 20th Apr. Need to arrange another survey with the members to cover other blocks.
I'm so embarrass that I miss, noticing the mistake in the block party ticket. It written 2007,instead of 2009. Aiyah. Anyway, Aaron reminded me to mention this in the next meeting.
Asian Civilisation Musuem (ACM) and Tour to Peranankan Museum (TPM)I was invited to visit the above musuems this afternoon and I was enchanted as if I was transcend back in time. The ACM consists of 10 permanent exhibits, one showroom and one special exhibition area. Our guide, Joyce, introduced us to many cultures of multi-ethic Singapore also traces the cultural roots of the modern Singaporeans through galleries of South East Asia,China,West Asia (Islamic) and South Asia. I got to see the treasures and interesting history of the Kangxi Emperor.
Thereafter, we visited the TPM, which is at Armenian Street. It an 3 storey-old school belonging to Tao Nan School, was converted to an museum. In this musuem , you can see an fantastic collection of Peranankan material, which showcases stunning jewellery,delicate porcelain,like kamcheng, intricate beadworks and many more. Do you know that the Peranankan marriage lasts for 13 days !!! I'll be broke, man.
Now, here comes the good news. The organisors told us that the cost per pax is only $2.50, if we can obtain 40 persons or above.
Or we can apply for a season pass for 1 year, with unlimited visits and persons, for only $200.00. Wow!! (Sound like a saleman for the museum)
Anyway, Time to knock off. Need to see some of you, tomorrow, to sell tickets for the block party. Adios amigos.