Monday, April 27, 2009

Block 221A Block Party on the 26th Apr 2009

It's finally over.
We carried out our 1st major project and it was a success.

Prior to the event, we were worried that we can only run a small block party, due to our shoestring budget and with other factors.
Thankfully, our members brainstormed to find ways and ideas to spruce the programme,yet cost saving. Kudos to them.

Our party started with a storm. I meant a real storm where there lightning, thunders and rains pelting our area, just before the event. And surprisingly, it stops just before the event begins.
It a sign of good things are here.

We passed the food to growing audience, where they were also entertained by a group from Gen Net Music Point, doing a anti-littering skit (NEA). It draw laughter from the crowds with a mixture of dialects.
After that, the Magician, Daniel and his son, Calvin, performed a variety of magic tricks and ballon scupturing skills. (The kids loves it).

We had a rowdy, but enjoyable time, when we carried out Bingo. We drew laughter and tears during the 3 rounds of Bingo. Audience were very excited, especially when they waited for their last numbers to call.

Lastly, we conducted the lucky draw, where the winners were happy,as they got more than what they pay for.

We can see that everybody enjoy the party and the committee were equally happy as things turned out well.

So , keep an lookout for our next events.

1 comment:

  1. Good work!

    Bingo game is exciting for senior people; kids and their families enjoy the magic show.

    For budget, please welcome more fund from various sources.
