Tuesday, March 17, 2015


Hi readers, Been missing for a whole year, or 2. It's 2015 now. What a start of new year and then follow by Chinese New Year then Chingay 2015. People asked funny questions, as to why Chingay 2015 was not fully Chinese-theme. Why are the ang mohs taking part in the event. Why is there no Chinese cultural displays instead. Aiyoh.. They probably forget that we lived in a multi racial society. Then, we had our 1st CNY STEAMBOAT dinner at our 223A void deck. We have only 10 tables and out of 10 tables, 2 tables were allocated to needy families in our zone. Food was plenty and there wa almost a disaster. The caterer came wthout the radish and thankfully, some of the members saved the evening as they prepared the radish for another event the next day, so we escaped the wrath of the guests. Life goes on.. We looked forward to the completion of our Community Plaza in April and meanwhile, we will attending a team bonding workshop this weekend. Till then, we keep you update, lah..

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